80 Years since Operation Chastise

Tuesday 16th May 2023

Today, we solemnly remember and honour the awe-inspiring Operation 'Chastise'—the remarkable Dambusters Raid that unfolded exactly 80 years ago on this day in 1943. The indomitable spirit of the brave men involved in this historic endeavour continues to inspire generations, etching an enduring legacy within the Royal Air Force.

Led by Wg Cdr Guy Gibson, 19 Lancaster bombers took part in the mission. They flew low over the water to avoid enemy radar and anti-aircraft fire and dropped the bombs from a height of just 60 feet. Despite heavy losses, the raid was considered a success, with two dams destroyed, two more severely damaged, and several factories and mines flooded.

As we reflect on this mission, we recognise it as a pivotal turning point in the Second World War, as the raid struck at the very heart of Germany's operations, challenging the enemy, and altering the course of history.

We fondly recall our event held five years ago at the Club, marking the 75th anniversary of the Dambusters Raid. We were fortunate enough to host Club Member and distinguished veteran of the raid, Sqn Ldr George ‘Johnny’ Johnson MBE, DFM who shared his incredible first hand experience at a Club Dinner. Sadly in December 2022, Johnny Johnson passed away aged 101 years old. Today marks the first anniversary with no surviving Dambusters, yet we will always commemorate the heroism of those who embarked on this historic mission.

On 1st November, the Club is hosting a screening of 'Attack on Sorpe Dam', a 2023 film based on the Dambusters raid from the perspective and with the narration of Sqn Ldr Johnny Johnson. Please click HERE to find out more and book your space.